Botox / Dermal Fillers



Botox are used to smooth out forehead wrinkles & frown lines by relaxing the muscle. Also reduces sweating and oiliness to the skin. Total unit dose is calculated upon consultation [Book a free consultation] and is individualized to the patient’s needs.

Brand Prices
Nuceiva $9 per unit
Dysport $9 per unit

50 units or more $8/u


  • Forehead

  • Baby Botox

  • Brow Lift

  • Glabella (11’s)

  • Chin Dimples

  • Downturn Smiles

  • Smoker Lines

  • Gummy Smile

  • Underarm Sweat

  • Crowsfeet

  • Lip (For Lip Flips)

  • Jaw/Masseters (prevents teeth grinding & slims the face for a “V shape” appearance.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are injections that plump up wrinkles and smooth lines on your face. There are several types of dermal fillers. Healthcare providers usually inject dermal fillers in the areas around your eyes, mouth and nose.


Half Syringe: from $360

Full Syringe: from $560


  • Russian Lips/Full Lips (Additional: $100)

  • Cheeks (Additional: $150)

  • Tear Trough (Additional: $100)

  • Nose (Additional: $150)

  • Temples

  • Chin (Additional: $100)

  • Jawlines (Additional $100)

  • Marionettes

  • Nasolabial Folds

  • Neck Lines

  • Back of Hand

  • Pre-Jowls

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Advanced Plasma Lift with PRP: from $399

Advanced technique using a cannula to lift the tissues throughout the whole face using your own plasma and growth factors. This may include: undereyes, cheeks, smile lines, jawline, neck, back of hands.

PRP Hair/Skin Single Session: from $399

PRP uses plasma extracted from the patient's own blood, which is rich in growth factors and other proteins necessary for tissue repair, cell regeneration and healing. Plasma is delivered directly to the skin by micro injections. The procedure targets fine lines, scars, uneven skin tone and even circles under the eyes, as well as stimulating hair growth.

PRP Microneedling: from $499

Microneedling with plasma-rich platelets (PRP) uses part of the blood from the person having the procedure to rejuvenate the skin.

Fat Dissolving Injections

is a prescription medicine used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat for targeted areas.
KYBELLA®, BELKYRA® and DEOXYCHOLIC ACID is safe and effective for the treatment of fat outside of the submental area or other targeted areas on the body.

KYBELLA® and BELKYRA® are trademark brand names that target the submental (chin) area. As for DEOXYCHOLIC ACID is safe for other areas such as submental (chin), abdomen and arms. Book a Free Consultation Today.

Deoxycholic Acid

Submental (Chin): $399
Arms/Back/Love Handles/Thighs: from $459
Abdomen: from $699


Submental (Chin): from $699
Arms: from $1200
Abdomen: from $1200

* additional sessions are required for larger areas

For packages a complimentary 2 sessions of radio frequency for chin, arms and abdomen is added.